What is the BEST way to embrace the incoming 100-foot wave called AI (or artificial intelligence)?
That’s easy. Just try it out and have fun.
I guarantee you’ll find something useful in the new AI technologies emerging such as ChatGPT, boodleAI, Grantable, and others.
To make it easy for you, here are 5 prompts that you can use to save time and effort in your organization’s fundraising and grant writing work right now.
Take the challenge and try one prompt each day (or you can binge-prompt, if that’s even a thing)!
[If you need a primer on AI, check out my blog on AI and ChatGPT: What is it and how do I use it?]
Are you in?
Great! First, open your free ChatGPT account here.
Now you’re ready to launch a MAJOR game-changing prompt that will help your nonprofit or business find the BEST funders in seconds.
Prompt #1: Finding Funders
Ask ChatGPT: “Which national private foundations are most likely to fund nonprofit organizations working to [reduce homelessness OR enter your cause/mission]?”
My results yielded a list of nine national foundations that have homelessness as a key funding priority. Having been in this field more than 20 years, I could see that the results were valid and included the Kresge Foundation, Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and others.
REMEMBER: ChatGPT is a tool that can help you get ideas about potential funders. It’s only a starting point where you can then do more detailed research (e.g., go to the funder’s web page, send a letter, etc.).
Prompt #2: The Why? Your Needs Statement
Do you ever get writer’s block?
Don’t know where or how to begin?
This is one way AI, such as ChatGPT can really help.
Let’s focus on making the case that your nonprofit or business needs funding to do some really necessary community-changing work.
Ask ChatGPT: “Help me write a compelling needs statement for a grant proposal. It must make the case that [your organization] needs funding for [an after-school mentoring program OR your program] for [kids living in poverty OR the audience you serve] in [Chicago OR your location].”
REMEMBER: ChatGPT is a tool or “assistant” that can help you generate content. It’s a starting point where you can then do the fact checking and editing so that it’s coming from YOU.
Prompt #3: Letters of Inquiry
Are you tired of writing letters/emails?
Let ChatGPT help you get started with your next letter of inquiry to make it quick, concise and tailored to your audience.
Ask ChatGPT: “Write me a one-page letter of inquiry to the Orange Foundation to request $20,000 for the Youth for Change nonprofit organization. We are focused on mentoring youth ages 10-18 that are in the foster care system.”
In less than 5 seconds I received a letter that will require some personalization and additional detail, but wow…it generated a great template from which to begin!
Prompt #4: SMART Goals
SMART goals can guide you in any aspect of your life: Grant Writing, Fundraising Plans, Life Goals, Vacation Planning, etc.
And they’re often required in grant applications and case statements.
They need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
Ask ChatGPT: “Develop a SMART Goal for my project. We provide a mentoring program for youth, ages 10-14 on career development in the Chicago City School District.” [or provide even greater detail for YOUR project]
My results, generated in less than 3 seconds, were nothing short of amazing. All I would need to do is edit and customize it to my project.
Merilyn K. tried it and replied on my LinkedIn page: “THANK YOU! I attended your webinar/panel discussion a few weeks ago, and I have been reading your 5 prompts, and this one is HUGE! I constantly struggle with word and character counts, and can’t wait for the next grant where I can test this out. Totally would not have thought of this as a use for ChatGPT.”
Prompt #5: Editing to meet word counts
And finally, if you’re frustrated when asked to describe how you will save the world in 200 words or less, you may want to try this prompt.
Ask ChatGPT: “Help me develop a clear and concise project description for my grant proposal on [insert your project] in 200 words or less”.
Kelly K. loves this one: “I find the more specific my prompts are, the better the answers are. I also like to give ChatGPT my drafts and ask it to edit or shorten with certain criteria in mind.”
Email me and let me know what prompts YOU like best. And share your own prompts too!
©2023, Grants4Good LLC®

Hi, I’m Margit Brazda Poirier
I founded Grants4Good in 2009 to help nonprofit organizations and businesses find and get grants. Since then, I’ve helped thousands of people raise millions of dollars for programs via private coaching, customized grant writing training, and my course All About Grant Writing.
Learn the exact steps that helped raise over 30 million in grants for my clients.

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